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The DEIA report requesting responses by 4th March 2010 indicates responses should go to:
Chris McRoberts
School Finance Branch
Department of Education
Rathgael House
42 Balloo Road
BT19 7PR
Tel: 028 91 279282
e-mail chris.mcroberts@deni.gov.uk
Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister
Block A
Castle Buildings
Tel:028 90528400
Sammy Wilson MP MLA
Finance Minister
Department of Finance and Personnel
Private Office
Craigantlet Buildings
Stoney Road
Stormont Estate
Tel: 028 90529140
e-mail: private.office@dfpni.gov.uk
Mervyn Storey MLA (also Chairman of the Education Committee)
North Antrim DUP Constituency Office
3 Market Street
BT53 6EA
email: mervynstorey@btconnect.com
Ian Rainey |
DENI has advised that before the Minister for Education makes her decision, she will be supplied with a report summarising the points raised in the Responses submitted to the EQIA . It was suggested that the report should be complete towards the middle of this week. Additionally, it was confirmed that the cut off date for receipt of the Boards’ budgets is 1/4/10, although same may be received in advance of that date. This information has been provided to us and is subject to change.