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Sunday, 21 February 2010

What are other schools doing?

Paul Terry has set up a blog on behalf of Cygnet House (Prep Department of Glenlola Collegiate, Bangor).

He also suggests that anyone interested can communicate with Cygnet House Parents via the email address

Current Friends of Cygnet House are;
William Pollock - Campbell College Junior School parent
Glynn Patterson - Down High Prep parent


  1. We have now a new link to Down High Prep's new blog. It is situated beside the Cygnet House Prep link too.

  2. This is from the Down High blog. Liz Breadon attended this meeting on Saturday 14th March on our behalf. THANK YOU LIZ!

    Three representatives from the Down High Prep Parents group met with representatives from the other NI prep schools on Saturday. The meeting was well attended with around 30 other reps from all but a few of the other schools. Whilst we and a few other schools are way ahead in terms gathering information and building up support, others are working on this too and their groups are building well. Strong bonds were made and a network has been established. This will be very useful in the days and weeks to come. Well done to those parents who travelled to Belfast on Saturday.

  3. Please remember to look have a look at Down High Prep's very comprehensive and up to date blog. You will find many different items of interest and their views on the whole prep funding situation.

    Click on the link to it in the LINKS TO OTHER SITES box at the top right of our blog.

    Here, there is also a link to the well established Cygnet House blog.


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.